Haldimand County Councillors have approved Report PED-GM-10-2016 which essentially dismantles the Haldimand County Museum, moves the 181-year-old Nicholas Log Cabin* to windswept Cheapside and sets the stage for the sale of the County Court House Grounds. The current Administration Building which also sits on the grounds "...will go to ground", stated Mayor Hewitt at a Council in Committee meeting on November 15. Councillor Corbett made it clear at the same meeting that the money from the land-sale is required to build the new centralized $18,000,000 administration building. Many question the need for a new administration building and the lack of fiscal responsibility.
ON MONDAY, DECEMBER 12 at 6:00 p.m. councillors can and will most likely ratify the recommendations. We encourage everyone to attend. Let our elected representatives know that their constituents do not agree with the decisions they are making. Please continue to send letters, phone calls, emails expressing concern to councillors. Mayor Hewitt conceded at the November 15 meeting that because of the volume of public response, council needs time to consider.
At a time of year that we celebrate family traditions and find time to socialize with friends, it is an effort for folks to follow the procedures and actions of municipal government, prepare presentations and appear in the council gallery. In spite of Christmas festivities residents turned out in numbers at the hastily organized, eleventh-hour open house organized by Ward 2 Councillor Morison.
* Tomorrow: History of the Nicholas Log Cabin