Friday, October 24, 2014

Neil Dring Visiting with William Thomas Search William Thomas or stop at The Neat Little Bookshop.  We carry Thomas' books, including The Dog Rules -- Damn Near Everything!  You may have met the author when he visited The Neat Little Bookshop or you may read his weekly column in the local papers.  Whatever, he never fails to make one laugh.  "...a three-year-old Great Dane from Portland, Oregon was found to have eaten 43 1/2 socks.  His owners starting asking questions when the family budget revealed they were spending more money on socks than water, heat and hydro.

"One day Hamlet [dog's name changed] just started writhing and retching and was immediately rushed to the nearest animal hospital.  The vet was certain it was something the dog had eaten but he had no idea at the time it was the argyles.  Argyles disagree with everybody." *

*"All The World's A Circus," William Thomas.  The Haldimand Press,  10/1/14

Photo:  The Neat L'l Bookshop, Cayuga St. location.

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