Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Thought for Today ~

"What has one enjoyed most in life?  I daresay it varies with different people.  For my own part, remembering and reflecting, it seems that it is almost always the quiet moments of everyday life.  Those are the times, certainly, when I have been happiest.  Adorning Nursie's old grey head with blue bows, playing with Tony, making a parting with a comb down his broad back, galloping on what I feel to be real horses across the river my fancy has set in the garden....Happy games with my mother.  My mother, later, reading Dickens to me, gradually getting sleepy, her spectacles half falling off her nose and her head dropping forward, and myself saying in an agonised voice. 'Mother, you're going to sleep', to which my mother with great dignity replies, 'Nothing of the kind, darling.  I am not in the least sleepy!'  A few minutes later she would be asleep.  I remember feeling how ridiculous she looked with her spectacles slipping off her nose and how much I loved her at that moment."

~ Agatha Christie ( 1890 - 1976) Agatha Christie, An Autobiography, 1977.

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