Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Day of 1000 Canoes 2013 ~ York
"A Canadian is somebody who knows how to make love in a canoe."

~ Pierre Berton, author and television personality, quoted by Dick Brown in The Canadian, Dec. 22, 1973. [John Robert Colombo's FAMOUS LASTING WORDS, 2000]

"In John Robert Colombo's Canadian Quotations, Pierre Berton is quoted saying "a Canadian is someone who knows how to make love in a canoe."  Pierre says he didn't say it, or if he did he took it from someone else, but whoever the authority is, if that's the test, I fail.  I do know how to gunwale a canoe...portage it, right it without getting out of the water, and sail it home with my hockey sweater tied to a paddle.  But make love?  You got me."

~ Peter Gzowski, journalist.  The Private Voice:  A Journal of Reflections (1988). [John Robert Colombo's FAMOUS LASTING WORDS, 2000]

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