Thursday, April 10, 2014

On Sir Isaac Newton* ~

"Newton owned a pet dog called Diamond, which one day knocked over the candle on the scientist's desk and started a blaze that destroyed records of many years' research.  Newton, viewing the destruction, said only, 'O Diamond, Diamond, thou little knowest the damage thou hast done.' "

"Newton cut a hole in the bottom of an outside door to enable his beloved cat to go freely in and out of the house.  When it had kittens, Newton cut a small hole next to the original one." (Probably a traditional joke, foisted on Newton.)

* (1642 - 1727)  English physicist & mathematician

"Newton once lived next door to a rather inquisitive widow, who was unaware of her neighbor's identity and renown.  The lady was visited one day by a Fellow of the Royal Society of London, to whom she related the strange behavior of 'the poor crazy gentleman' next door. 'Every morning,' she said, 'when the sun shines so brightly that we are obliged to draw the window-blinds, he takes his seat in front of a tub of soap-subs and occupies himself for hours blowing bubbles through a common clay pipe and intently watches them until they burst.'  Following his hostess to the window, the visitor saw Newton at his work.  'The person you suppose to be a poor lunatic is none other than the great Sir Isaac Newton, studying the refraction of light upon thin plates~a phenomenon which is beautifully exhibited upon the surface of common soap bubbles.'"

THE LITTLE, BROWN BOOK OF Anecdotes, Clifton Fadiman General Editor.

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