Friday, January 10, 2014

Marconi's Anticipations

BIG thank you to Scott for the hours of expert service on my PC.  Everyone out there will understand when I explain that everything was wiped clean, saved in two places and now I am working in the next century ~ everything is updated.  Days later, I am trying to find files.  Prompts are still worrisome - the latest:  "Unable to resolve the server DNS address..."  Nope!  Don't know what a DNS server is.  All I know is that pictures are not available for blogging.

Most troublesome ~ my e-mail  is not accessible.  THAT, I am advised is in use and I am advised to choose another address.

Not unlike the following:

"Shortly before mid-day I placed the single earphone to my ear and started listening. . . The answer came at 12:30 when I heard, faintly but distinctly, pip-pip-pip.  I handed the phone to Kemp:  'Can you hear anything?' I asked.  'Yes,' he said, 'the letter S' ~ he could hear it.  I knew then that all my anticipations had been justified."

"...Pip-pip-pip...!"    "S..."

~ Guglielmo Marconi, Italian-born inventor of wireless telegraphy, describing the reception of a signal in Morse Code.
Source:  FAMOUS LASTING WORDS, John Robert Colombo.Douglas & McIntyre Ltd. 2000.

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