Tuesday, April 16, 2013

John Passfield
John began publishing stories of St. Thomas, Ontario, the city where he grew up.  Today he has a long list of titles, many of which appeal to a world-wide audience.  Out of the Park:  The Cogitations of Babe Ruth; Inside the Wright Brothers, Flight is Possible; Water Lane, The Pilgrimage of Christopher Marlowe ~ to name a few.

John quickly moved into e-books after publishing in hardcover and paperback.  He has a unique approach to delivering his knowledge of writing and literature.  For each novel that he writes, he also publishes a companion volume titled "The Making of...."  For example, the book following his book about the Wright Brothers is titled The Making of Inside the Wright Brothers:  In Search of Form and Meaning VII. These are books that indeed are useful to writers and students of literature.  And yes, John is a retired secondary-school teacher who taught English and Drama who continues to teach.

John will be in The Neat L'l Bookshop Thursday, April 18, 1:00 p.m.  The topic:  Ballads.  Everyone welcome.

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