Sunday, August 18, 2013

"Down where the lilies blow..."
JOHN KENDRICK BANGS, American poet, satirist, editor (1862 - 1922). Worked for Life, Harpers & Puck.  Inspired by Carroll's Alice, he wrote Rollo in Emblemland.

To our readers:  We feel it necessary to explain that as Blogspot/Google offers more services, it seems that we have more problems.  If you notice incidental typos, spelling errors (ie. Lewis Carroll - we have now corrected.), it is because we are having to constantly trick Blogspot ~ going 'round 'n 'round in order to enter text or edit.  To enter text, we have to upload a photograph, remove, then type!  Once exited, good luck ~ cannot re-enter.  Our appeals to "Blogspot Help"  are less and less businesslike as the frustration grows.

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