Friday, August 31, 2012

Future of the "Newly Reclaimed" Douglas Creek Development ~  Turtle Island News

"The Haudensaunee Development Institute (HDI) the planning department of the Confederacy Council, is holding meetings, beginning Thursday (August 30) at 5 p.m and inviting Six Nations people to attend to discuss how the newly reclaimed Six Nations land should be cleaned up and revitalized.
Some want to see it stay the way it is, a skeletal reminder to Six Nations neighbours of what happened just six years ago.
Others are ready to move on, with or without the support of their neighbours in Caledonia."

~ Turtle Island News, North America's Native Weekly Newspaper, Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Story of Caledonia

Available in The Neat Little Bookshop HELPLESS, Christie BlatchfordRandom House of Canada, Ltd.,2010

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