Saturday, May 26, 2012

Smile for Today !~

"I persuaded our brother Alex that he was a horse and that horses eat grass.  We were out in the lawn of the big house one evening and I got the idea of getting Alex to eat grass.  What idle boys won't think of.  It was easier than I thought.  My powers of persuasion must have been all right then.  I got him started then had to keep his manger full so as we had no lawn mower then and grass was let grow naturally,  it wasn't too much of a job.  Of course I had to make sure it was all grass and eatable.  This continued for some time till the horse got sick and started to vomit, then we were in real trouble and had to call for help.  I believe it stopped then and as luck would have it the horse recovered as fast as he got sick."

~ John A. Turnbull (1890 - 1975) East Seneca farmer
Writings dated Nov. 13, 1970

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