Saturday, April 28, 2012

Thought For Today ~

Many of us are already thinking of Mother's Day.  What can we do to show our Mum, Grandmother, Aunt, sister, that we appreciate them?

A thought from a surprising source:

"I would earnestly ask my sisters to keep clear of both the jargon now current everywhere. . .of the jargon, namely about the 'rights' of women, which urges women to do all that men do. . .merely because men do it, and without regard to whether this is the best that women can do; and of the jargon which urges women to do nothing that men do, merely because they are women. . .
Woman should bring the best she has, whatever that is. . .without attending to either of these cries."

~ Florence Nightingale, English nurse (1820 - 1910)  The Oxford Dictionary of Quotations, Oxford Press, 2001, edited by Elizabeth Knowles.

Mother's Day is May 13 ~ the second Sunday of May each year. 

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