Readers of a National Magazine* were invited to send in articles that they would like to see in their favorite periodical. The editor specified, "literature that endures ~ those things that touch and pulsate with the best and noblest emotions and sentiment."
"It may be in that old school book in the attic," the announcement read. "It may be between the leaves of the family Bible; it may be in mother's scrap-book, yellow with age and hallowed by sacred memories."
The editor offered cash prizes totalling over $10,000. "Send me a clipping, a story, an anecdote, or a selection that has touched your heart~ those things that make us all kin; those things that endure ~ the classics of our own lives."
The announcement went on to say, "Heart throbs ~ yes, heart throbs of happiness, heart throbs of courage, heart throbs that make us feel better. Those things that appeal to you must appeal to others."
"Let us make a magazine that will speak the language of the heart as well as of the mind."
The articles poured in, along with touching cover-letters. Over 50,000 people responded. Award money was distributed and as a consequence of the "great apparent value of this unique collection, and a very large number of requests for their publication, the Heart Throbs were offered in a 480 page hardcover in 1905, Grosset & Dunlap. Chapple Publishing Company, Limited.
*National Magazine, Boston, Mass., 1904 - 1905. Editor: Joe Chapple.
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