"May your future hopes come true"

Holly is also used to ward off demons. In Louisiana, U.S.A., berries are said to protect folk from the evil eye and lightning, a belief that applies in Germany as well, as long as the holly has previously been used in decorating a church.
Toss a sprig of holly on the Christmas fire and you are guaranteed an end to all your troubles!
Perhaps best of all, folklore has it that the prickly-leafed holly is considered "male" and the smooth-leafed variety "female." Which type is brought into the house first at Christmas, determines who rules the roost that year, the husband or the wife.
S0-0, toss a piece of holly onto the fire; combine that with the right variety ~ and your year is sure to be a good one!
Source: The World Encyclopedia of CHRISTMAS, McClelland & Stewart Ltd., 2000.
Postcard images from The Old-Fashioned Postcard Book, Sterling Publishing Co., 1993. For larger image, click on picture.
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